Privacy policy

We’re all about keeping your info safe and sound. Your CV is a very sensitive data, and we all should treat it seriously.

Here’s what we stand by, in plain language:

  • Open-Source Transparency: Without a special consent, everything is handled by open-source code, available for you to review. This means the processing is transparent, and you can see exactly how your data is managed.
  • No Personal Data Harvesting: Your personal information stays yours. We don’t collect, store, or use your data. Everything stays within your control, within your GitHub repository. Exceptions may apply only at an explicit consent.
  • GitHub-Based Operations: All processing is done within GitHub, using GitHub Actions in your private repository. This ensures your information is not exposed to anyone but you.
  • Consent is Crucial: Should we ever need to do something differently, we’ll get your explicit permission first. We believe in clear communication, no surprises.

That’s it! If you’ve got questions, just shout!